The Power of Scaling

The Power Of Scaling 

By Garrett Johnston

Hello subLIMINAL fans, today we are going to dive into the captivating mechanics of our game subLIMINAL. Today, we will unveil the reasons why the ability to scale objects has become the core source of enjoyment in our game. Join us as we explore how scaling brings fun and engagement to our players' gaming experience.

Scaling objects in subLIMINAL creates an exciting sense of discovery for players. As they leisurely navigate the obstacle course, they have the freedom to experiment with different object sizes, uncovering unique solutions along the way. This exploration-driven gameplay creates curiosity and engagement, providing a relaxed and immersive experience tailored to casual gamers seeking enjoyable and captivating adventures.

Scaling objects in subLIMINAL also brings a visually captivating element to the game. Watching objects change size adds a charming and visually appealing experience. Whether it's making platforms bigger or shrinking obstacles, the delightful visual effects of scaling objects resonate with our casual players, creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere that complements the easygoing gameplay.

In addition to scaling objects, another aspect that makes subLIMINAL incredibly fun is the diverse-level design. Each level is meticulously crafted to provide unique and engaging challenges for players. From abstract designs to cleverly placed obstacles, the level design keeps players on their toes, constantly pushing their skills to the limit.

Join us on July 24th for the release of subLIMINAL!


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